Thursday 15 March 2012

Lent Challenge

In addition to my lent challenge of reading the daily lectionary I have also decided to give up my two main addictions: coke and chocolate.  My decision was not based on what is going to benefit my health the most but rather to keep my attention toward the one that truely sustains me.  Its been almost 3 and so far so good.  It so happens though that giving up both may actually have some health benefits (who knew!)

10 Reasons to give up coke
  1. The sugar content.  10 teaspoons of sugar in 1 can is A LOT!
  2. Diabetes.  Having gone up to the APY lands I  have seen the extent of what the extra calories can do to your health.  If only I took a photo of the fridge in the store with the warnings for diabetics and its redirection towards the diet drinks
  3. Kidney and liver damage.  Again another thing I have seen in the APY lands.
  4. Dental health.  After visiting the dentist 3 times in one week and getting 1 major filling done, its really enough to put anyone off!  The acid in Coke eats away at tooth enamel
  5. Increased risk of osteoporosis.  Again this is related to the acid in Coke.
  6. Increased blood pressure.  I have a family history of this.
  7. Causes dehydration.  Ever said to yourself on a hot day, 'a Coke would be good about now.'?  Well take note of how thirsty you are next time after you have had one.
  8. Causes cell damage.  I have actually heard somewhere that it will make you look older.
  9. Toxins contained in the drink. These can be broken down in the body and turned into carcinogens which are cancer causing.
  10. Its unethical!  I really dont want to support dodgy work environments, poor pay or slave/child labour.

10 Reasons to give up chocolate
  1.  Again with the sugar.  Even dark chocolate contains a fair amount.
  2. Palm oil.  Its not good for you and its production means that rainforrests are being culled to make way for the plantations.
  3. Many cocoa plantations use slave/child labour to havrvest their crop.  Conditions are dodgy and pay is barely enough to feed the child or their family.
  4. Dental health
  5. Diabetes.  We have so many processed foods that contribute to this health problem
  6. It can become addictive 
  7. ....
Ok, so maybe it's not so easy to find really good legitimate reasons to give up chocolate.  I have noticed that i have lost a little weight but that is not enough to make me give up chocolate forever. Infact a lot of what I have been reading is all pro chocolate!  My  advice to those wanting to give up chocolate and coke:  GIve up the Coke, be ethical about chocolate consumption.
What I've given up isn't the focus, it's what I've gained.  Denying myself of the luxuries  keeps me focused on God and His amazing work.  This has been an incredible journey so far.

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